Sunday, April 27, 2008


i commented on Audblogger blog post about difficulties of universities check it out

Saturday, April 26, 2008


comment on chitown chica's blog on the jfk post she talks about visinting the jfk musuem and how it felt check it out


comment on missylanious she talks about apartment shopping on a weekend

Friday, April 25, 2008

short sentences

Celebrities all do it. We want to be like celebs. We try to do it too. It is very unhealthy. What is it? It is binge dieting. It is done to lose weight. For celebs it is for movie roles. For average people is to look like celebs. The “perfect image” produced is by T.V. we forget inner beauty. We go for physical attributes. Our mind is corrupted by T.V. we should forget what T.V displays. We should forget trying to be like celebs. We should just be ourselves.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


There exists a fundamental difference in various ways of acquiring happiness, happiness that is gained from ordinary activities such as eating, and happiness that is acquired from active leisure such as reading a book.
Reason: this is because activities such as eating which produces positive emotions do not channel the individual into the flow state which is needed to be productive. On the other hand, active leisure produces those positive emotions and the flow state. The positive emotions come as a result or feedback of the activity.
Evidence: “it is the involvement of flow, rather than happiness that makes for excellence in life” (csikzentmihalyi 32).
Reason: meaningful and long-lasting happiness require the flow experiences rather than self help books that teaches about happiness
Evidence: schumaker says that gaining happiness from reading self help books is not a good idea. Self help books only provide the individual a false happiness that can only last for a short period. This will lead the individual (to search for new books in order to continue obtaining that same happiness)that say they know the road to happiness.
Reason: to be truly happy one must participate in flow activities which happiness is the end result or the feedback to the activity.
Evidence: “the happiness that follows flow is of our own making, and it leads to increasing complexity and growth in consciousness” (csikzentmihalyi 32).
Claim: while I realize that self help books might produce minute cases of happiness, they do not produce the essence of flow. This leads me to believe that the only constructive way to be happy is to participate in active leisure activities which produce flow and happiness.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

commenting on

i commente on Leth blog


i commented xtina's blog because this individual had i good topic on SMU and its sterotypes. check it out .

Friday, March 28, 2008


left a blog comment on this link

Friday, March 14, 2008

neglected questions

With an election in the United States at hand, major question has been asked to each candidate, (John McCain Rep., Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama Dem.) and about their plans to provide an answer. One question that is often neglected to be asked is what are plans to stop genocide in Darfur.
In united states history, there is a tendency to neglect major issues around the world because there are no beneficial purpose in intervening instead they go to places such as Iraq were nothing major was needed to be done. Some may say that going to Iraq was a good idea and even if no weapons of mass destruction was found, the country was freed from an evil dictator named Saddam Hussein. My response to that statement is, other countries of the world such as Nigeria, which had an evil dictator named Sani Abacha, was left without any help. America never intervened with the problem because there was nothing of beneficial purpose. This is also similar to the problem that darfurians are facing and yet the united states are not doing much to aid the darfurians. As the new president will come to power I await to see what he or she does in other to aid the darfurians ongoing genocide.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who is the best basketball player of all time??

Overtime the NBA( National Basketball Association) , has had players that have made great innovations to the sport. But the individual who has had a long lasting impression in the basket ball league is non-other than Michael Jordan. He is said to be the greatest player to ever play the game so far. He has won 6 NBA championships and played dynamically with the Chicago bulls. He has played in all-star games, and is a well rounded team player. A new player is on the rise , # 24 on the L.A Lakers Basketball team, came straight out of high school into the league unarguably the best shooting guard in the basketball league right now and his name is Kobe Bryant. He is a well-rounded player both on defense and on offense and make basketball shots from downtown and can drive dunk the ball I in. the question that is being proposed is if Kobe Bryant is a better basket ball player?? Most people answer that question by saying Michael Jordan will forever be the best basket ball player. Not to take any prestige from Michael Jordan greatness but I believe his title will be taken from him by Kobe Bryant. As of right now Jordan is still the best but by the time Bryant is done with basketball he will undoubtedly be the best basketball player ever . This because Bryant in his prime is a way better player than Jordan ever was at his peak. The only thing I will give to Michael Jordan is that he is a better team player. Individually though Kobe has him beat.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time for Change or NOT?

A new change is about to occur in the United States. This change will not only have an effect in the United States, but it will also cause a monumental effect across the world. This change of course is coming in form of the presidential elections. This election may see either the first woman to ever become the president in American history(Hilary Clinton), or the first African American to ever become president (Barack Obama).
The question that is frequently asked by all is if America is ready for a female or ready for an African American president. What I say is the only way to find out is if one of these two candidates is elected into the office. Years prior to the integration of the united states and the civil rights of the 1960s, the question then was if America was ready for integration. The only way that was answered was by instituting the Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) which open the door to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I await to see the results of the 2008 presidential election to see if history is made in the United States, but I highly doubt a major change such as that will occur.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Insightful Criticism

Narcissism is a word that I had not heard until I got into my college English class. According to the Webster’s college dictionary, narcissism is defined as the excessive love of oneself. It is at the center of a professor named Jean M. Twenge’s experiments. She is the lead researcher of the experimental questions which is what is narcissism and why is it prevalent in today’s modern generation. She claims that narcissism is an evil attribute in human nature and she tends to prove its abundance with her research. In her research questionnaires posed towards young youths, she asks question such as am I special? And if I ruled the world would it be a better place? In order to test narcissism in our generation
Those question’s reply do hold strong evidential factors that indicates our generation . This is because if you ask anyone if they are special the obvious reply would be yes. The I pose to Twenge is does she feel she is special? I bet with her degrees, how hard she has worked to obtain them and the fact that people are paying attention to her claims on narcissism, she would feel enormously special.
What I mean is that her ideas about narcissism may be authentic, but her experimental methods are inadequate.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sharing your joy

The world is said to be full of joy and happiness, and in some sense this ideology exists and it is living and breathing. This exists in such places like the North America and Europe and it can be seen all around those nations/. It can be seen on street corners, in the markets stores, in restaurants, and even in the privacy of their homes. But what people are not informed is that in places outside North America and Europe, places like third world nations such as the countries in Africa and some countries in Asia, happiness in a drought, happiness does not come on a platter of gold people in those geographical locations suffer from the acts of genocide, diseases epidemics and the most common war which is the battle against poverty.
What I believe that should be done is to share some of our joy and happiness with such places in need by boosting educational efforts, financial efforts, and intervening in unnecessary mass killings.
So before you say today is just another boring day and there is nothing else to do, look for ways that you can share your happiness and joy and look for ways to spread them to such unfortunate country. even as little as you can do it is making someone smile in an unfortunate fate.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

the idea of blogging

my first reaction or thought to the word blogging was that it was time for the world to know what goes on in my labyrinth mind. blogging is only somthing that i have heard of in the recent past but it had never really occured to me to post some of my imaginative ideas to the public. Reading an article about blogging by anna selleh and the final blog of the american soldier who was killed in iraq, both articles putt alot of emphasies on blogging. The first article by anna salleh indicates that blogging is a great way for students to be interactive and ideally creative. Students will be willing to comment on thoughts they are for or against. As of my thoughts on the blog of the american soldier, he indicates that blogging was one of the best things that he discovered. he said it was like away of escape from the worlds way of thinking, and it was away to express his well detailed and analyzed ideas.
This soldier posted his final thoughts on the blogging site and it shows his great trust in blogging and also tells me that blogging cannot be horrible but can be used for good.